

"Can I tell you a secret?... I always..."

- In the old days, if someone had a secret they didn't want to share... you know what they did?
- Have no idea.
- They went up a mountain, found a tree, carved a hole in it, and whispered the secret into the hole. Then they covered it with mud. And leave the secret there forever.

- Once I whispered a secret into the hole...
- Tell me your secret... I'm like that tree...
- I always think... I wonder if... [silence]

"Can I tell you a secret?... I always..."

2 Comentários:

Anonymous Anónimo disse...

it's like another japanese filme! o dos vestidos!!!

11:48 da manhã  
Anonymous Anónimo disse...

sim. o mesmo diretor. o mesmo personagem. um filme depois. (ana)

3:21 da manhã  

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